Employer Groups

Business Owner FAQ

Business Owners

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Vantage covers members residing outside of the state at 100% of the Vantage out-of-state allowable fee schedule less any applicable deductibles, co-pays and/or co-insurance. Vantage works diligently to ensure members residing outside of the state get quality health insurance coverage.

If you have any questions please contact Vantage's Member Service department at (318) 361-0900 or 1-888-823-1910.

Primary Care Providers specialize in family practice, pediatrics, and internal medicine. In-network providers and their addresses can be located in the primary care sections of the provider list. The copays are less when seeking services from these providers. OB/GYNs are also covered under the Primary Care office visit copay.
Vantage Health Plan covers true medical emergencies worldwide. Benefits and medical cost are covered as in-network benefits.