Vantage Medicare Advantage


Our Plans

Vantage Plans eliminate all deductibles* that a Medicare beneficiary has under Original Medicare, while enhancing many of the benefits. Under Original Medicare, most beneficiaries are not required to pay a premium for Part A and the beneficiary is still responsible for the $1,600 deductible for Part A for 2023. With Vantage Plans, the deductible* and any premiums for Part A are completely eliminated.

Medicare beneficiaries who have Part A are automatically enrolled in Part B, unless they inform the Social Security Administration otherwise. For most beneficiaries, Part B has a monthly premium of $164.90 and a deductible of $226.00 for 2023. With a Vantage Plan, beneficiaries will still have to pay their Part B premiums.

Medicare beneficiaries that opted for Part D coverage are paying a separate premium for Part D, which generally averages about $35 a month, depending on the beneficiary's Part D plan and location. Additionally, there is a $505 deductible for Part D coverage through Original Medicare. Vantage Plans eliminate premium for Part D.

Medicare beneficiaries often try to reduce their deductibles and coinsurance with Original Medicare by purchasing Medicare Supplement Policies, for which they pay a monthly premium for as well.

* with the exception of the "Dual Plus" Plan.

Vantage offers plans in all 64 parishes of Louisiana, 56 counties in Mississippi, and 59 counties in Arkansas. Vantage is also available for employer groups. Click below to see an up to date map of our service areas.


This page was last updated:9/4/2024

Vantage Health Plan (Vantage) is an HMO with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Vantage depends on contract renewal.

This information is not a complete description of benefits. Call 1-888-823-1910 (TTY users call 711) for more information.